Are You Prepared for These Four Senior Healthcare Expenses?
You probably already know that footing the bill for healthcare as a senior can become expensive. Adults over age 65 pay hundreds of...
Are You Following These Tax Tips for Your Retirement?
Taxes are an inevitable part of life, and they don’t go away when you retire. In fact, you will need to learn to think about your taxes...
National Financial Literacy Month: Learn & Improve Your Financial Literacy Heading Toward Retire
Do you find finances intimidating? You are not alone. Many people put off learning about finances or taking control of their own...
Guard Your Retirement From a Volatile Stock Market
In 2018, the stock market seemed to experience the sort of volatility that can worry investors. Five of the 10 biggest one-day gains in...
Yikes: Will You Have Less Money When You Retire Than You Do Today?
You probably have a picture in your mind’s eye of what retirement will look like. Maybe you want to spend as much time as possible...
Can You Have a “Less Stress” Retirement? Yes
Saving for retirement can seem stressful. Retirees’ No. 1 worry is that they have not saved enough to carry themselves through...
How Does an Annuity Work and Should You Get One?
An annuity is a financial product that can help you save for retirement. Annuities can provide the steady lifetime income you need when...
What You Need to Know About the Medicare Annual Election Period, Which Began October 15
Medicare is not an easy program to understand. With the Annual Election Period (AEP) underway as of October 15, many seniors have...
The Strange and Interesting History of Social Security COLA Increases
Cost of living adjustments (COLA) are given to offset the effects of inflation. As expenses for goods and services go up, salaries, too,...
How Much Does It Cost for the Average Person to Retire?
Maybe you dream of traveling the world. Perhaps you just want to live near your grandchildren. Or, in your mind’s eye, you are finally...